mercoledì 13 agosto 2008

Learning is...

Da Points of view

Learning is like becoming a child again. I'm learning English, and I'm feeling as simple and poor as a child. How I feel weak, whenever I want to communicate my thoughts to someone! In my first language, Italian, I have a big store of words, expressions, of different meanings and verbs. In English I only have a little and light bag, with a few words and expressions inside. In Italian I'm 29 years old, graduated and a good writer (That’s what they say!). In English...I feel 5 years old, at elementary school and shy. What is this? Two people in one? Change resistance? Or an experience of weakness and humility? I prefer this last meaning: an experience of weakness. As an explorer we’ve come in to a new way of thinking, speaking and writing! As an explorer we have a little, light bag! Soon we feel the fatigue of working with new codes, and the temptation to stand still at the entrance. The temptation of speaking as little as possible, in order to hide our weakness. The temptation of risking as little as possible in communication, so that we cannot feel too different from our known self.

Kay, my English teacher, says that speaking another language means changing ourselves: the movements of our body, and the movements of all facial muscles too! Why should I change myself after twenty-nine years of building? Why should my facial muscles change their movements? Poor muscles! And my poor brain! However, in my opinion the answer is inside. Our ability to welcome the diversity, especially when it's inside us!

I'm not a psychologist, I've just written about my experience. Actually I think that if we give some meaning to the learning experience, we can have an unique experience in life!

2 commenti:

don Tommaso ha detto...

ora i post pure in inglese!!!
traslate please

Anonimo ha detto...

...mmmm ancora non so come funziona sto blog...cmq, amico,anche io sono nello spazio virtuale! Vienimi a trovare...:)